Del Oro Jr Golden Eagles right badge

Board Members



Now accepting Board Member Applications!


Executive Board   
VP OperationsTrisha
(Shadow) VP OperationsSunny Cranford 
VP FootballBob
VP CheerHeather
(Shadow) VP CheerLauri Hodge 
Registrar Laurie
Treasurer Michelle
Board of Directors  
VP of StuntLeah
Cheer CoordinatorStacy
(Shadow) Cheer CoordinatorErin Russo 
Coach CoordinatorMarco
Equipment Coordinator Josh
Boosters CoordinatorJustin
Fundraising Coordinator Eric
Snack Bar CoordinatorDawn
(Shadow) Snack Bar CoordinatorVacant 
Board of Managers  
Volunteer ManagerStephanie
Team Parent ManagerVacant 
Tiny Mite Manager Ross
Safety Manager
Social Media


This is a brief list of some of the duties & responsibilities of each Board position. In

addition to these specific duties and responsibilities, individuals wishing to

participate on the Del Oro Jr. Golden Eagles Board of Directors need to be aware of

the activities and time commitment involved in supporting the organization.

The following service commitments are required of all Board members:

Monthly Board meetings (12)
Annual Registrations (4)
Fundraising Event (3+)
Home Games (4+)
Jamboree and/or Playoff Game
Cheer Events
In season Nightly Practice
Coaches (Football/Cheer) Clinics
Must have Live Scan Clearance
CPR & Heads Up cert


New Member Certifications  

heads up
cpr certification


Please submit all certifications to


Board PostitionsBoard Descriptions
President of DOJGEShall only vote as the deciding vote in tie-breaking situations. Granted discretionary and executive powers to execute and carry out the policies of DOJGE and to act in the best interest of the children registered in DOJGE. Reports to the Board of Directors. Administers the by-laws and all rules and regulations of DOJGE and SAC. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Presides over all meetings. Ex-officio member of all committees. Appoint and oversee committees. Promote and represent DOJGE at all functions. Oversees daily administration of DOJGE. Co-signatory on all DOJGE bank accounts. Executes all contracts on behalf of DOJGE. Approve Welcome Letter prior to mail out for all home games. Other duties appropriate to the President as requested/required by the Board of Directors. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE & SAC board meetings & games, home and away, or send a designated representative.
Vice President of OperationsAssist and advise the President on all matters relating to the operations of DOJGE Football. Reports to the President of the Board and the Board of Directors. Oversees daily operations of DOJGE Acts on behalf of the President in his/her absence Co-signatory on all DOJGE bank accounts. Assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to their position. Set up, schedule and complete a contract with Franklin Elementary, Del Oro High School, and indoor facilities for all practice fields and game day fields. Sets and manages the season schedule for the DOJGE with the President, VP of Football, VP of Cheerleading and other members of the board where that is required. Schedule and manages annual Parent Orientation Oversees the training and enrollment of all new Board Members. Responsible for maintenance of Announcer’s Book for all home games and rosters for all away games, ensuring that they are in the Announcer’s Booth prior to the start of each game day. Responsible for ensuring the iPod is charged, loaded and placed in the Eagle’s Nest for all home games for the playing of the National Anthem and stadium music. Secure bids for annual Team Pictures, present for approval to the Board. Coordinate date, time, and location for all photos including Badge photos at the start of each season. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings & all home games. Must stand in for the president at away games & SAC board meetings in his/her absence.
Vice President of FootballReports to the President of the Board. Assist and advise the President on all matters relating to daily Football operations of DOJGE. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE by-laws, rules and regulations are followed. Acts on behalf of the President and the VP Operations in his/her absence Recruit, manage & oversee all football; coaching staff, coordinator positions, and player development manager positions. Work with the Registrar to ensure that all football participants are properly registered and certified. Provide input on applicants for the Scholar Athlete Program, the Athletic Scholarship award, and Honor Bowl winners. Works with the President and VPO to schedule and reserve all fields are reserved per the upcoming season schedule. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, SAC board meetings, all practices & all game days.
Vice President of CheerReports to the President on all matters relating to the operations of DOJGE Cheer. Oversee all aspects of the Cheer Program. Recruit, manage & oversee all Cheer coaching, student coaching & coordinator positions. Coordinate & works with the Player Development Manager in conjunction with DOHS Cheer Program to hold an annual Cheer Try-Out/Skills Assessment Clinic in the spring, prior to registration for the season, and simultaneously hold a Cheer Informational Meeting for parents interested in the DOJGE Cheer Program. Coordinate & delegate the uniform fittings and exchange program with the Cheer Coordinator when in use. Work with the Registrar to ensure that all cheer participants are properly registered and certified. Oversee & manage the ordering, distribution of cheer uniforms, works with Boosters for Spirit Packs & other miscellaneous cheer supplies. Have a working knowledge of Cheer etiquette & DOJGE, SAC and Jamz Cheer rules & regulations. Keep the President & Board apprised of all cheer activities. Provide the Board a budget for proposed cheer expenses & fill out all proper forms for reimbursement. Serve as liaison with the SAC League & the DOJGE Board, cheer parents, cheer coaches, instructors & DOHS. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, SAC cheer board meetings, any SAC board meetings requested by the DOJGE President, & all practices & games.
SecretaryReports to the President of the Board. Records and maintains minutes of all meetings of DOJGE. Responsible for contacting Board members prior to a scheduled meeting to verify place and time. Conducts general correspondence as directed by the President or the Board. Prepare agenda for Board meetings. Distribute minutes of Board meetings. Maintain an archive of records. Co-signatory on DOJGE bank accounts. Registrars with the Secretary of State Acts on behalf of the Treasurer in his/her absence. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings & all home games.
TreasurerReports to the President of the Board Receive, count, document all monies collected at each home game; reconcile all game day funds along with one other random Board Member at the conclusion of each game; prepare and seal the cash deposit bag at the end of the night and for the President to transport to the bank. Custodian of accounts for all League funds Maintains accurate and balanced records of monies received and paid out by the League in an approved accounting program (QuickBooks). Receive all invoices, receipts and deposit forms for all accounts and maintain an approved accounting program (QuickBooks). Present monthly financial statements to the Board. Present annual financial statements to the Board and distribute them at the first meeting of the new calendar year (typically January). Works closely with approved accounting firms to maintain all records for the purpose of annual tax filing and ensuring the integrity of all funds. Files tax returns for the DOJGE with the approved bookkeeping cpa. The annual tax date is May 5th of each year. Co-signatory on all DOJGE bank accounts. Prepare and mail all vendor checks for approved invoices. Prepare checks for refunds and repayments as requested by the Registrar and approved by the President. Provide Tax ID Thank You letters to all donors. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings & all home games.
Vice President of StuntReports to the VP of Cheer Creates Registration in Teamsidle Attends League STUNT meetings Creates Match schedule and confirms Locations Coordinates with Snackbar Manager for Matches Coordinates with Boosters for Matches
Cheer CoordinatorReports to the VP of Cheer Assist VP of Cheer in all operations of the cheer program. Attend all meetings with the Vice President of Cheer. Acts on behalf of the Vice President of Cheer in his/her absence. Serve as liaison to the Vice President of Cheer and Board for all Cheer advisory positions (outlined below). Other duties pertain to the office of Cheer Coordinator or as directed by the Board. Assist in the selection of Head Coach positions for each squad. Collect all Assistant Coach and Teen Assistant applications, participate in the selection process and training of staff. Coordinate and ensure that all staff are fingerprinted and properly documented. Organize & coordinate other Cheer/Tumbling clinics & camps as needed. Organize & coordinate written & verbal communication with Cheer parents & coaches regarding practices, games & competitions. Ensures all coaches are present for official badge photos and distribution of badges upon receipts. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Inventory all Cheer equipment and maintain on on-going record Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, Must stand in for the VP of Cheer at SAC board meetings in his/her absence. , & all practices & games.
Coach CoordinatorReports to the President & VP of Football Advise the Board on all matters relating to football coaches. Oversees coaches, coaching staff and weighmasters and assists and advises as needed. Works closely with the VP of Football on all aspects of the football program including selection of head and assistant coaches. Ensures all coaches are present for official badge photos and distribution of badges upon receipts. Works with the VPO to ensure all staff are certified,fingerprinted and cleared for participation. Will collect the information and give it to the President for SAC approval. Coordinate coach’s training in all divisions. Oversees the Player Development Manager on creation of DOJGE standardized play books, coaches mandatory meeting of the season, and player development for each special clinics. Ensure SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, all practices & all home games.
Equipment CoordinatorReports to the President of the Board Provide for field equipment repair & replacement during the season. Inventory all equipment and maintain an on-going record of all equipment Coordinate the inspection and certification of all football helmets and shoulder pads. Manage the ordering of all football gear. Researching best prices for the organization. Provide the Board a budget for proposed football expenses. Sets date for board to participate in equipment handouts for all members. Organize the board to help move equipment from storage before the day of handouts. Sets date for board to participate in equipment return from members. Organize the board to help store all football equipment at season end. Organize the board to help put on helmet stickers. Maintain equipment in good working order. Prepare coaches bags for the season. Organizes the transport balls and other necessary equipment for practice, helps set up field for home games, and transportation of equipment for away game day per the President's requests. Assure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, both equipment handouts & turn ins, all home games.
Fundraising CoordinatorReports to the President of the Board and VPO. Assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to fundraising. Determine needs of the organization regarding large purchases requiring dedicated sponsorship at the beginning of each calendar year and work on securing said sponsors. Secure dedicated sponsors for the awarding of a minimum of two (2) Football and two (2) Cheer (including uniform) scholarships for each season. Develop and oversee all fundraising activities for the upcoming season. Fill the helmet Soak a Coach Minimum of 1 specialized event for the season. Assists Event Coordinator with raffle items. Secure and coordinate the Board approved vendors for game day such as a coffee vendor, frozen juice vendor, and/or jewelry vendor, etc. Establish yearly goals for sponsorship. Work with the VPO to ensure DOJGE sponsorship commitments are carried out, including but not limited to banners, digital logos for use by League, thank you letter, and appropriate sponsorship gifts each season. Collect Sponsorship donations and work with the Treasurer to ensure all Tax ID Thank You letters are correct and sent out in a timely manner. Hang all sponsorship banners at home field prior to the first game. Maintain positive working relationships with all sponsors. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, fundraising events & all home games.
Snack Bar CoordinatorReports to the President & Treasurer of the board. Works with the VPO for volunteer coverage for snack bar at all home games. Assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to the snack bar. Supervise and arrange the overall set up, tear down and operation of the snack bar during home game days. Must be present during the entirety of all home games. Keep an inventory of supplies for the snack bar. Help coordinate food for other football & cheer activities of the DOJGE program. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings & all home games.
Volunteer ManagerOversee volunteers for snack bar, boosters, and gate positions Liaison to Team Parent (i.e. Team Mom) each week to ensure all par, chain, announcer, and spotters are covered for all games. All volunteer information must be provided to Team Parents the Saturday night before the following week and game day. Determine the number of Student Workers required. Advertise, interview and hire Student Workers. Prepare and maintain a database for tracking all volunteer shifts, parent volunteer hours and Student Worker hours. Work with the Registrar to ensure that all families that have opted to participate in the volunteer program are appropriately accounted for in the Registrar system. Provide Team Parents a list of all families that have bought out for the season. Works with the Registar to ensure all volunteers have turned in their holding check or payment for the required seasons volunteer commitments. At the end of each season,works with the Registar to ensure holding checks are returned to volunteers that have completed the required hours and arrange for payment or notify of intent to cash holding checks for parents that failed to complete all required hours. Audits all enrollments at the end of the season to ensure all members volunteered required hours. . Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, stand in for all team parents for volunteering at all away games in their absence & all home games.
Booster ManagerReports to the President of the Board Assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to spirit wear and marketing Develop new logos for spirit wear, secure competitive bids, present to the Board for approval, and secure purchase. Maintain inventory of all merchandise. Works with the VPO for volunteer coverage for Boosters at all home games. Manage the activities, including setup and tear down, Spirit wear booth on game days. Schedule and hold a Board Member only pre-sale at the beginning of each season. Schedule and hold a pre-sale for parents and families the week of mandatory practice. Setup and tear down at special events as approved by the Board. Prepare an annual Budget for the Board’s review and approval at the beginning of each season. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, all home games & any event that boosters is required by the president.
Safety ManagerReports to the President Have medical background, attend each practice and all games. Inventory all medical supplies at the beginning of each season, preparing a budget of needed supplies for review and approval by the Board. Prepare and provide First Aid kits to be included in all coaches' bags for both Football & Cheer. Prepare and maintain a Go Bag for first aid supplies to be on your person for every practice and game attended. Review and update annual concussion policy and attend Equipment Hand out to ensure parents sign and return Acknowledgement before leaving. Return signed forms to the Registrar for retention. Works with the VPO and Coaches Coordinator to ensure all required staff have completed required training (i.e. Heads Up, CPR, etc.) and have submitted proper documentation of completion. Greet EMT’s each game day ensuring that they have ice and towels for medical use for all home games. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings, all practices.
Tiny Mite ManagerWork with the board to plan season games, practice times and dates Developed and reviews the rule book, play book and coaches handbook Works with VP of Operations on the Tiny Mite portions of the Parents Meeting information. Oversees the assignments of players to teams and creates roosters. Work with boosters to order game day jerseys and practice spirit packs immediately after registration closes. Work with the VPO on indoor locations during fire season Manage all head coaches for tiny mites; head coach selections, verification of live scan, heads up cert, provide information during the season. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend DOJGE board meetings or events that involve their position & all Tiny Mite games.
Webmaster ManagerReports to the President of the Board Maintain website with current and accurate information (i.e. FAQ’s, forms, Board contact info, news items, various tab content, etc.. Control and update all social media outlets. Post all scheduled events, practice and fundraisers on the website calendar. Post all upcoming games, location and game day scores on all social media outlets. Send all communication email messages to families throughout the year. Communicates with the Team Parent group on all information sent out to ensure it is correct, working with the VPO and approved by the President. Responsible for preparing and sending weekly newsletter during the season. Provide support to members on how to update their accounts with DOJGE. Assist families with Team Sideline log-in and issues. Ensure all SAC and DOJGE rules and regulations are followed. Other duties as directed by the President/Board. Attendance: Must attend all DOJGE board meetings & all home games.
Social Media Manager