Del Oro Jr Golden Eagles right badge


Our goal is to provide a structured program to educate participants in all aspects of youth football and cheerleading.  The success of our program will not be measured by our win-loss record or a competition placement, but by the sportsmanship, teamwork and respect we show others and ourselves on and off the field.

Our program will always be aimed at creating responsible and respectful youth that will work together as one family. In doing this, we will always provide a positive learning environment that will maintain the highest standards in athletics and academic achievement and will be a positive experience for all of our participants and parents.


Do I have to live within the Del Oro High School boundaries to play for the Del Oro Jr. Golden Eagles?

No, you do not have to live within the Del Oro High School boundaries. However, if teams are full and cuts must be made, students that do not live within the Del Oro High School "sphere of influence" will be the first released, regardless of skill. If the player participated in the DOJGE football program in previous season, they are considered to be part of the DOJGE "sphere of influence" and will not be cut for that reason. In addition, if you have an older child that will be attending the coming fall at Del Oro High School, that also qualifies as the "sphere of influence". Please indicate that on your registration so that the registrar and coaches are aware.

How old does my son or daughter have to be to participate?

Youth Football and Cheer is open to participants ages 7 – 14, grades 2nd through 8th. Children that will be in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd are eligible for our Tiny Mite Flag Football team and  5, 6 and 7 year old's are eligible for our Tiny Mite Cheer Program.

When will I know about schedules for practice and games?

Conditioning will begin in mid July (TBD) for football only, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. This is an opportunity to get kids back into shape and get some conditioning work with the coaches. Football terminology and drills are also taught during this time which is very helpful for new players. 

The first day of mandatory practice will be towards the end of July (TBD).  Practices are no more than 2-1/2 hours long, no more than ten hours a week and almost always in the evenings. Practice will run Monday through Thursday, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. until school starts.  Once school is back in session we drop down to three nights a week, Tuesday through Thursday, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  We try to schedule all our games on Saturdays. It is the philosophy of the Del Oro Jr. Golden Eagles that we do not play on Sundays. However, because our game schedule is based upon the availability of the high school field, there have been occasions where we have had to play a Sunday game.

When is the first day of Football tryouts?

The end of July during mandatory practice, will be first day(s) of football tryouts. – You will not be able to tryout if you have not turned in all your paperwork, have a signed medical release, and are paid in full. –NO EXCEPTIONS-  

Is it ok if my child misses any of the two weeks of Football tryouts?

NO!! The first 2 days completes the mandatory conditioning required by the SAC Conference. Until the 5 hours of conditioning are completed, a child cannot participate in any contact drills or wear pads. The remainder of the try-out sessions will be full pads/full contact. During this time, the coaches will be evaluating all players' abilities. By the end of the second week, we must have all football teams reduced to 35 players, so missing even a single practice in the first two weeks can hurt a participant's chances of making the football team, especially if they are a first year player. Missing one of these practices does not require that the child be cut, however, it does play a significant part in the coach’s selection.  To be clear, if your child attends all of the practices and another child does not, that does not ensure your child a higher place on the team. It is about energy, effort AND skill.

What is the Parent Volunteer Fee?

Parents now have the option of volunteering for 12 hours of work shifts OR opting out by paying an additional $300 to cover the costs of the league hiring student workers.  A holding check will be required from each family at the time of equipment/uniform distribution.

Can I choose what team my child plays on?

No. Children are placed on their grade level.  For cheer it is based on age. The DOJGE Board of Directors retains the sole discretion concerning all player placement decisions.

What if my child doesn’t like it or is released from the team, do I get a refund?

If your child is released (cut) from the team prior Jamboree and Certification in August, a full refund will be given. If your child quits  prior to Jamboree/Certification, a full refund will be given  less  a $25 administration fee. If your child quits or is injured after Jamboree/Certification, no refund will be given.

What if I cannot afford to pay for my player fees & equipment?

DOJGE has a limited Scholarship Program to assist in covering registration fees. Each season we grant a limited number of scholarships. One scholarship per family. Working game day shifts will be a requirement. Please contact the DOJGE President or VP of Operations or the Registrar who will confidentially discuss and process your scholarship request.  Payment plans are also available.

Do you need Coaches, Team Parents, or other Volunteers?

Del Oro Jr. Golden Eagles is an ALL VOLUNTEER program. We are always looking for enthusiastic people to help support the league in any capacity that they can.

How do I become a Football or Cheerleader Coach for DOJGE?

If you are interested in applying for a coaching position, applications are available on our website under the "Coaches" tab.

How do I become a Football or Cheerleader Coach for DOJGE?

If you are interested in applying for a coaching position, applications are available on our website under the "Coaches" tab.

Do I need to fundraise?

Fundraising is an integral part of the success of DOJGE. Additional information will follow on the DOJGE website as we complete our planning process.

The DOJGE is always looking for sponsors. Sponsors help us pay for equipment and field costs. You can also sponsor a child by donating to our Scholarship fund.  If you are interested in becoming a DOJGE sponsor, please fill out our sponsor form on our website or you can contact the VP of Operations at  They can share with you all of the great things you receive as one of DOJGE sponsors!!

Can I watch my child practice?

Cheer practice is a "closed" practice.  This is necessary to ensure the safety of the cheerleaders.  When Mom and Dad are watching, cheerleaders can become distracted which could result in injury and/or missing important instruction.  

Football practice is open to parents, however, we ask that parents, friends and siblings remain off the practice field at all times.  Spectators must remain in designated areas and CANNOT be on the grass areas, or any of the bleachers surrounding the practice field.  Practice fields are reserved for coaches, participants and instructors only.  Practice time is limited, so it is important that coaches have the opportunity to make the best use of the time allotted. If you are a Jr. Pee Wee parent, we ask that stay on the blacktop behind the basketball hoops.  Practice is "team time" and an opportunity for players to bond with their teammates and coaches.  If parents are sitting on the grass area or close to the grass area, kids have a tendency to run to to their parents instead of staying with their teammates and coaches during breaks.  

We also ask that you not approach coaching staff during practice. If you must speak to a coach, please contact them via email through your account on Time Sideline or contact the Team Parent. 

Siblings should not be left at the field without adult supervision and DOJGE will not assume responsibility for their safety. Also, although words of encouragement during practice by parents are always welcome, words of criticism are strictly forbidden and disruptive. DOJGE retains the exclusive right to request the removal of disruptive parents or visitors.

How Is Playing Time Calculated?

(Play Allotment Rule – PAR) The Sierra Athletic Conference (SAC) requires that all players receive eight (8) plays per game for a squad of 29-35 players; 10 plays per game for 22-28 players; or 12 plays per game for 21 or fewer players per team. For each game, two people will be responsible to document a team’s PAR requirement. If a team fails to meet their PAR requirement, they forfeit the game. Beyond the PAR requirement, playing time is at the sole discretion of the coaching staff, who will determine a player’s playing time based on, but not limited to, the following multiple factors: skill, discipline, practice drills, leadership, conditioning and practice attendance.

Can I bring my family pets?

NO!!  Family pets, leashed or not, are prohibited  at all practices and games. This is a safety issue (Franklin and Del Oro school policy) and we ask for your cooperation. If a pet is brought to the field, one of the Board members will ask you to remove the pet. Please don’t put us in the position to have to do that.

What if I have a suggestion or complaint?

All suggestions, concerns or complaints must be submitted via our website under the tab "Concerns & Complaint Form".  This goes directly to the President who will respond in writing within 48 hours of submission.  Please remember that we have a 24 hour "cooling off" period and ask that you not submit a form until this time has passed.  Remember, if you do not put it in writing, there is nothing the Board of Directors can do!.